(pasar puntero sobre imagen | mouse over image)
1 (top center, above): Collosphaera primordialis | Collosphaeridae sp. | colony
2 (top left): Thalassoxanthium medusinum | single animal with symbiotic zooxanthellae
3 (top right): Sphaerozoum ovodimare | colony
4 (top center, below): Thalassoxanthium cervicorne | spicule
5 (bottom center): Sphaerozoum spinosissimum | Sphaerozoum radiatum | spicule
6 (left center, above): Coronosphaera diadema | Collosphaeridae sp. | single animal
7 (right center, above): Trypanosphaera trepanata | Acrosphaera trepanata | single animal
8 (left center, below): Acrosphaera inflata | single animal
9 (right center, below): Mazosphaera lagotis | Collosphaeridae sp. | single animal
10 (bottom left): Caminosphaera dendrophora | Collosphaeridae sp. | single animal with symbiotic zooxanthellae
11 (bottom right): Coronosphaera calycina | Collosphaeridae sp. | single animal with symbiotic zooxanthellae
12 (center): Solenosphaera familiaris | Trisolenia cornucopia | colony with symbiotic zooxanthellae
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