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1 Dictyophora madonna | Phallus sp. | mature fruiting body
2 Phallus impudicus | mature fruiting body with lengthwise section of volva
3 Aseroe rubra | mature fruiting body
4 Clathrus cancellatus | Clathrus ruber
5 Clathrella crispa | Clathrus crispus
6 Clathrella pusilla | Clathrus pusillus
7 Calathiscus sepia | Lysurus sp.
8 Simblum sphaerocephalum | Lysurus periphragmoides | Dring, mature fruiting body
9 Anthurus borealis | Lysurus borealis | young fruiting body in cross-section
10 Geaster multifidus | Geastrum sp. | mature fruiting body
11 Coprinus comatus

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