
(pasar puntero sobre imagen | mouse over image)

1 Limulus moluccanus | Tachypleus gigas | adult male from above
2 Limulus moluccanus | adult male from below
3 Limulus moluccanus | larva
4 Eurypterus fischeri | Eurypterus tetragonophthalmus | Baltoeurypterus tetragonophthalmus | from above
5 Pterygotus anglicus | from above
6 Trinucleus goldfussi | Onnia goldfussi | from above
7 Deiphon forbesi | from above
8 Phacops latifrons | curled-up individual | 8a: from forward, 8b: from the side
9 Dalmania punctata | Asteropyge punctata | from above
10 Ampyx rouaulti | Raphiophorus rouaulti | from above
11 Paradoxides bohemicus | from above
12 Cheirurus insignis | from above
13 Acidaspis dufresnoyi | Selenopeltis buchi | from above
14 Megalaspis extenuatus | Megistaspidella extenuata | from above
15 Harpes ungula | Bohemoharpes ungula | 15a: from above, 15b: from the side
16 Agnostus pisiformis | from above
17 Lichas palmata | Trochurus speciosus | from above
18 Hydrocephalus saturnoides | Eccaparadoxides pusillus | Phanoptes pusillus | from above
19 Sphaerexochus mirus | fron the side
20 Triarthrus becki | 20a: from above, 20b: from below

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