Western Australian Herbarium
- abaxial
- away from the axis, referring to the surface of an organ that is furthest from the axis in bud. cf. adaxial
- abscission
- the normal shedding from a plant of an organ that is mature or aged. adj. abscissile
- acaulescent
- without a stem, or with stem so short that the leaves appear basal
- achene
- a dry, 1-seeded, indehiscent fruit formed from a superior ovary of one carpel. Used to describe the fruit of the Asteraceae formed from an inferior ovary, following the definition given by De Candolle; equivalent to the term cypsela
- actinomorphic
- having radially arranged floral segments which are more or less equal in size and shape, referring to a flower, calyx or corolla. cf. zygomorphic
- aculeate
- covered in prickles
- acuminate
- tapering gradually to a protracted point. cf. attenuate
- acute
- terminating in a distinct but not protracted point, the converging edges forming an angle of less than 90 degrees. cf. obtuse
- adaxial
- towards the axis, referring to the surface of an organ that is closest to the axis in bud. cf. abaxial
- adherent
- touching without organic fusion, referring to parts normally separate, e.g. floral parts of different whorls. cf. adnate, coherent, connate
- adnate
- fused to an organ of a different kind, e.g. a stamen fused to a petal or an anther fused for its whole length to the filament. Also used to describe the type of anther in some eucalypts which is basifixed, immobile and about as wide as long. cf. adherent, coherent, connate
- adpressed
- lying close to another organ but not fused to it. See appressed
- adventitious
- arising in abnormal positions, e.g. roots arising from the shoot system, buds arising elsewhere than in the axils of leaves
- alien
- belonging to another place
- allomorphic
- with a shape different from the typical shape
- alluvium
- deposits of earth, sand, etc., left by water flowing over land that is not permanently submerged
- alternate
- borne singly and spaced around and along the axis, applied to leaves or other organs on an axis. Also used to describe the position of floral parts of different whorls on different radii, e.g. stamens with respect to petals. cf. opposite
- amphibious
- capable of living on or in water or on drying soil. Frequently an amphibious plant has a different form in different habitats
- amplexicaul
- clasping the stem
- anastomosing
- connecting with one another, particularly applied to veins
- ancipitous
- two-edged
- androdioecious
- having male flowers and bisexual flowers on separate plants. cf. gynodioecious
- androecium
- the male part of a flower; a collective term for the stamens of one flower
- androgynous
- having male and female flowers in distinct parts of the same inflorescence
- andromonoecious
- having male flowers and bisexual flowers on the same plant. cf. gynomonoecious
- angiosperm
- a division of seed plants with the ovules borne in an ovary. cf. gymnosperm
- annual
- completing the full cycle of germination to fruiting within a single year and then dying. cf. biennial, perennial
- annular
- arranged in or forming a ring
- anther
- that part of the stamen in which the pollen is produced
- anthesis
- the period that a flower is open, i.e. between the opening of the bud and the onset of withering
- anthocarp
- a false fruit consisting of the true fruit and the base of the floral whorls
- antrorse
- directed upwards. cf. retrorse
- apiculum
- a short, sharp, flexible point. adj. apiculate
- appressed
- pressed closely to another organ but not united
- aquatic
- a plant living in or on water for all or a substantial part of its life span. cf. terrestrial
- arborescent
- resembling a tree; applied to non-woody plants attaining tree height and to shrubs tending to become tree-like in size
- aril
- a fleshy to hard structure which develops from the funicle or ovule after fertilisation and encloses all or part of the seed. adj. arillate
- aristate
- having a stiff, bristle-like tip
- aristulate
- having a small, stiff, bristle-like tip; a diminutive of aristate
- articulate
- jointed; usually fracturing easily at the nodes or point of articulation into segments or articles
- ascending
- arched upwards in the lower part and becoming erect in the upper part. cf. decumbent, procumbent
- attenuate
- tapering gradually. cf. acuminate
- auricle
- an ear shaped appendage at the base of a leaf, leaflet or corolla lobe; or an ear-like outgrowth at the base of the sheath of some grasses and other monocots. adj. auriculate, also used to describe a leaf base which has lobes on both sides of the petiole
- autotrophic
- self feeding, not depending on parasitism or entirely on organic matter. cf. heterotrophic
- awn
- a slender, bristle-like projection, e.g. from the back or tip of the glumes and lemmas in some grasses and on the fruit of some Geraniaceae. adj. awned
- axil
- the angle between one part of a plant and another part, e.g. a branch and a leaf. adj. axillary
- axis
- main stem of the plant or the flower-bearing portion of an inflorescence or the ovule-bearing structure in ovaries with axile placentation
- barbate
- bearded, having tufts of hairs
- barbellae
- short, stiff, hair-like bristles. adj. barbellate
- basal
- arising from or positioned at the base
- beak
- a prominent terminal projection, especially of a carpel or fruit. adj. beaked
- berry
- a fleshy or pulpy indehiscent fruit with the seed(s) embedded in the fleshy tissue of the pericarp
- biconvex
- convex on both sides
- biennial
- completing the full cycle of germination to fruiting in more than one, but not more than two years, and then dying
- bifoliolate
- having two leaflets
- bipinnate
- 2-pinnate; twice pinnately divided
- bipinnatisect
- 2-pinnatisect; twice pinnatisectly lobed
- biserrate
- doubly serrate; with smaller regular, asymmetric teeth on the margins of larger teeth
- bisexual
- having both sexes, as in a flower bearing both fertile anthers and a fertile ovary. cf. unisexual
- biternate
- twice ternately divided
- blade
- lamina; part of the leaf above the sheath or petiole
- bract
- a leaf-like structure, usually different in form from the foliage leaves, associated with an inflorescence or flower. adj. bracteate
- bracteole
- a small bract-like structure borne singly or in a pair on the pedicel or calyx of a flower. adj. bracteolate
- broadly
- having a length:breadth ratio between 6:5 and 1:1; if the ratio is less then the shape is described as very broadly. cf. narrowly
- bulb
- a modified underground axis that is short and crowned by a mass of usually fleshy, imbricate scales. adj. bulbous
- bulbil
- a small bulb produced on aerial parts such as a leaf axil or an inflorescence
- burr
- a partial infructescence, often prickly or rough, as in some Amaranthaceae and Asteraceae
- buttress
- supporting outgrowth from base of a tree trunk as in some Rhizophoraceae and Moraceae
- caducous
- falling early before associated organs are mature. cf. deciduous, persistent
- caespitose
- growing densely in tufts; having short, closely packed stems
- calcareous
- composed of or containing lime or limestone
- callus
- see callosity
- callosity
- a thickened, raised mass of hardened tissue, often formed after an injury but sometimes a normal feature, e.g. the glandular wart-like structures on the labellum of some orchids, or in grasses, the hardened, usually hairy base of the dispersal unit, usually a floret or whole spikelet. pl. calli, callosities. adj. callose
- calyptra
- hooded or lidded
- calyx
- the outermost floral whorl usually consisting of sepals or a calyx tube and calyx lobes. adj. calycine
- calyx lobe
- one of the free upper parts of the calyx which may be present when the lower part is united into a tube
- calyx tube
- the tubular, often cup shaped or bell shaped, fused part of the calyx when it is free from the corolla. cf. floral tube
- campanulate
- a 3-dimensional shape; bell shaped
- canescent
- grey or white in colour due to a covering of short, fine grey or white hairs
- capitate
- growing together in a head. Also meaning head-like as in some stigmas
- capitulum
- a dense cluster of sessile, or almost sessile, flowers or florets
- capsule
- a dry fruit formed from two or more united carpels and dehiscing at maturity to release the seeds. adj. capsular
- carpel
- an organ, generally believed to be leaf-derived, which bears 1 or more ovules, a stigma and sometimes a style. Often much modified in a syncarpous ovary. adj. carpellary
- caryopsis
- the grass fruit, which has the seed coat united with the ovary wall
- caudate
- having a narrow, tail-like appendage
- caulescent
- having an obvious aerial stem
- cauliflorus
- of flowers and fruits, borne on old wood
- cauline
- borne on the aerial part of a stem. cf. radical
- chartaceous
- papery
- chasmogamous
- describing flowers in which pollination takes place while the flower is open. cf. cleistogamous
- ciliate
- fringed with hairs
- ciliolate
- minutely ciliate
- cilium
- a straight, usually erect hair on a margin or ridge. pl. cilia
- circinnate
- spirally coiled, with the tip innermost
- circumscissile
- opening by a transverse line around the circumference
- cladode
- the modified photosynthetic stem of a plant whose foliage leaves are absent or much reduced. cf. phyllode, phylloclade
- clavate
- a 3-dimensional shape; club shaped; thickened at one end
- claw
- the conspicuously narrowed basal part of a flat organ
- cleistogamous
- describing flowers which are self-pollinating and set fertile seed without the flower opening. cf. chasmogamous
- climber
- growing more or less erect by leaning or twining around another structure
- cline
- a character gradient over a geographical area where one or several morphological features gradually change over a part or over the whole distribution area. adj. clinal
- coccus
- one of the segments of a distinctly lobed fruit which becomes separate at maturity. Sometimes called a mericarp. pl. cocci
- coherent
- touching without organic fusion, referring to parts normally together, e.g. floral parts of the same whorl. cf. adherent, adnate, connate
- column
- a structure formed by the united style, stigma and stamen(s), as in Asclepiadaceae, Stylidiaceae and Orchidaceae
- complicate
- conduplicate q.v.
- compound
- consisting of two or more anatomically or morphologically equivalent units
- compressed
- flattened
- concolorous
- uniformly coloured, as in upper and lower surfaces. cf. discolorous
- conduplicate
- folded together lengthwise
- cone
- a reproductive structure composed of an axis (branch) bearing sterile bract-like organs and seed or pollen bearing structures. Strictly refers to the Gymnospermae or Lycopodiales but frequently used for the fruiting spike in Casuarinaceae and flowering and fruiting structure in some Proteaceae
- conic
- a 3-dimensional shape; cone shaped, attached at the broader end
- connate
- fused to another organ of the same kind. cf. adherent, adnate, coherent
- connective
- the tissue separating two lobes of an anther
- conspecific
- within or belonging to the same species
- contiguous
- neighbouring parts being in contact but not fusing
- convolute
- an arrangement of petals in a bud where each has one side overlapping the neighbouring petal
- cordate
- a 2-dimensional shape; heart shaped in outline, i.e. having the base broad and distinctly notched
- coriaceous
- leathery
- corm
- a very short, broad, firm-fleshed, subterranean stem which produces aerial stems, leaves and flowers. adj. cormous
- cormel
- a miniature corm produced in leaf axils
- corolla
- the floral whorl inside the calyx, usually consisting of petals or a corolla tube and corolla lobes. adj. corolline
- coroniform
- crown shaped, as in the pappus of Asteraceae which may be coroniform when the membranous scales are connate
- corymb
- an inflorescence, usually a raceme, in which the flowers, through unequal pedicels, are in one horizontal plane. adj. corymbose
- costa
- a thickened, linear ridge or the midrib of the pinna in ferns. adj. costate
- cotyledon
- the primary ("seed") leaf, each seedling having one or two, rarely more
- crenate
- with obtuse or rounded teeth which either point forwards or are perpendicular to the margin
- crenulate
- minutely crenate
- crisped
- very strongly undulate; margins which are wavy in a vertical plane, the waves themselves with secondary waves. cf. undulate
- crustaceous
- hard, thin and brittle
- culm
- the aerial stem of grasses, sedges, rushes and other monocots, bearing the cauline leaves and the inflorescence
- cultivar
- cultivated variety; an assemblage of cultivated individuals distinguished by any characters significant for the purposes of agriculture, forestry or horticulture, and which, when reproduced, retains its distinguishing features
- cuneate
- a 2-dimensional shape; obtriangular, i.e. wedge shaped
- cusp
- an elongated, usually rigid, acute point. cf. mucro
- cuspidate
- somewhat abruptly and sharply concave and constricted into a cusp. cf. mucronate
- cuspidulate
- constricted into a minute cusp. cf. cuspidate
- cylindric
- a 3-dimensional shape; tubular or rod shaped with a length:breadth ratio of 2:1 to 3:2. cf. narrowly, broadly
- cymbiform
- boat shaped
- cyme
- an inflorescence in which each flower, in turn, is formed at the tip of a growing axis, further flowers being formed on branches arising below. adj. cymose
- decorticate
- to remove the bark, rind or husk from; to strip of its bark; to come off as a skin
- decumbent
- spreading horizontally with the apex growing upwards, referring to stems. cf. ascending, procumbent
- decurrent
- having the leaf base prolonged down the stem as a winged expansion or rib
- decussate
- having paired organs with successive pairs at right angles to give four rows
- deflexed
- bent downwards
- dehiscent
- breaking open at maturity to release the contents. cf. indehiscent
- dendritic
- branching from a main stem or axis; resembling the branching of a tree
- dentate
- with sharp, spreading, rather coarse teeth standing out from the margin
- denticulate
- finely dentate
- depressed
- flattened as if pressed down from the top or end; applied to 2 or 3-dimensional shapes, e.g. ovate and obovate or ovoid and obovoid which have a length:breadth ratio of less than 2:3
- dichasium
- a cyme in which the branches are opposite and approximately equal. pl. dichasia. adj. dichasial
- dichotomous
- divided almost equally into two parts
- digitate
- having parts arranged like the fingers on a hand
- dimorphic
- with two forms, e.g. having stamens of two different lengths or having two kinds of leaves. cf. uniform
- dioecious
- having male and female unisexual flowers on different plants. cf. monoecious
- disc
- the usually disc shaped receptacle of the head in Asteraceae. Also the fleshy nectariferous organ which is sometimes annular or lobed and developed usually between the stamens and ovary. Also used for the enlarged style-end in Proteaceae
- disc floret
- a tubular 4 or 5-toothed or lobed floret on the disc of an inflorescence, i.e. head of Asteraceae
- disciform
- describing an inflorescence, i.e. head of Asteraceae with central disc florets and marginal female florets which have a reduced inconspicuous slender tubular corolla without a ligule; or an inflorescence with only such reduced female florets. cf. discoid, radiate
- discoid
- resembling a disc; a solid structure with two convex faces. Used in the Asteraceae to describe a head which has only disc florets present. cf. disciform, radiate
- discolorous
- having two colours, e.g. the lower leaf surface distinctly different in colour from the upper. cf. concolorous
- distal
- end of any structure farthest from the point of attachment. cf. proximal
- distichous
- two-ranked, arranged in two diametrically opposite rows
- divaricate
- widely spreading
- drupe
- a 1-celled fruit with one or two seeds enclosed by a stony layer (endocarp) which is embedded in succulent tissue (mesocarp) surrounded by a thin outer skin (epicarp). adj. drupaceous
- duricrust
- echinate
- bearing stiff, stout, prickly hairs
- eglandular
- without glands. cf. glandular
- ellipsoid
- a 3-dimensional shape; elliptic in outline and with a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. narrowly, broadly
- elliptic
- a 2-dimensional shape; oval in outline and with a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. narrowly, broadly
- elongate
- lengthened; stretched out
- emarginate
- having a broad, shallow notch at the apex. cf. retuse
- endemic
- having a natural distribution confined to a particular geographical region
- endocarp
- the innermost layer of the fruit wall, derived from the innermost layer of the carpel wall. cf. exocarp, mesocarp, pericarp
- entire
- without any incisions or teeth
- ephemeral
- short-lived
- epicalyx
- a whorl of bracts, just below or joined to the calyx, resembling a second calyx
- epicormic
- attached to the corm
- epiparasite
- epipetalous
- borne on the petals
- epiphyte
- a plant growing on, but not parasitic on, another plant, e.g. some Orchidaceae. adj. epiphytic
- erect
- upright; perpendicular
- exocarp
- the outermost layer of the fruit wall, derived from the outermost layer of the carpel wall. Sometimes called epicarp. cf. endocarp, mesocarp, pericarp
- exserted
- protruding beyond some enclosing organ, e.g. referring to stamens which project beyond the corolla or perianth, or to valves which extend beyond the rim of a capsular fruit. Sometimes the stamens are not actually longer than the corolla or perianth but are exserted due to the spreading of the segments. cf. included
- exstipulate
- without stipules. cf. stipulate
- extrorse
- turned outwards or away from the axis. In the case of anthers, dehiscing longitudinally outwards. cf. introrse, latrorse
- eye
- a distinctly pigmented area, e.g. a brightly coloured spot, usually near the centre of the standard of some flowers of Papilionaceae; also refers to the scale-like leaves and dormant axillary buds of a tuber
- falcate
- sickle shaped
- fascicle
- a cluster. adj. fasciculate
- ferruginous
- rust coloured
- fertile
- provided with functional sexual parts which are capable of fertilisation and seed production. cf. sterile
- filament
- the stalk of a stamen below the point of attachment to the anther
- filiform
- thread-like
- fimbriate
- fringed
- flaccid
- limp and weak
- flexuose
- zig-zagging, often referring to a stem
- floccose
- covered with tufts of soft woolly hairs that usually rub off readily
- floral tube
- the part of the flower enveloping an ovary and formed by the fusion of the calyx tube, corolla tube and sometimes stamen filaments and receptacle. Variously referred to elsewhere as calyx tube, perigynium or hypanthium
- floret
- one of the small individual flowers of the Asteraceae or the reduced flower of the grasses, including the lemma and palea
- flower
- the sexual reproductive structure of the angiosperms, typically consisting of gynoecium, androecium and perianth or calyx and/or corolla and the axis bearing these parts
- foliar
- pertaining to a leaf
- -foliolate
- used with a number prefix to denote the number of leaflets
- foliose
- leafy
- follicle
- a dry fruit, derived from a single carpel and dehiscing along one suture
- forb
- See herb
- frond
- the leaf of a fern or cycad
- fruit
- seed-bearing structure formed from the ripened ovary after flowering
- fusiform
- a 3-dimensional shape; spindle shaped, i.e. is circular in cross-section and tapering at both ends
- gametophyte
- a plant bearing sexual organs; in ferns a small discrete plant, very different from the sporophyte, also known as the prothallus. cf. sporophyte
- geophyte
- a plant with an underground storage organ, e.g. a tuber, bulb or rhizome, and with an annually renewed aerial shoot
- gilgai
- glabrescent
- becoming glabrous
- glabrous
- without hairs
- gland
- a secretory structure, e.g. a nectary, extra-floral nectary or a gland tipped, hair-like or wart-like organ. adj. glandular. cf. eglandular
- glaucous
- blue-green in colour, with a whitish bloom
- globular
- a 3-dimensional shape; spherical or orbicular; circular in outline
- glume
- one of the two bracts at the base of the grass spikelet, called the lower and upper glumes, due to their position on the rachilla. Also used in Apiaceae, Cyperaceae for the very small bracts on the spikelet in which each flower is subtended by one floral glume and in which there are often several empty glumes at the base. adj. glumaceous
- gneiss
- a metamorphic rock composed, like granite, of quartz, feldspar or orthoclase, and mica but distinguished from it by its foliated or laminated structure
- gymnosperm
- a member of the division of seed plants with the ovules and hence seeds, borne on a sporophyll or cone scale, and not borne in an ovary. cf. angiosperm
- gynoecium
- the female part of a flower; a collective term for the carpel or carpels
- gynomonoecious
- having female flowers and bisexual flowers on each individual plant. cf. andromonoecious
- gypsum
- hydreous calcium sulphate, resembling chalk
- habit
- the growth form of a plant, comprising its size, shape, texture and stem orientation
- halophyte
- a plant adapted to living in highly saline habitats; a plant that accumulates high concentrations of salt in its tissues. adj. halophytic
- hastate
- with a pair of basal lobes which flare outwards; refers to a flat organ, most commonly a leaf
- herb
- a plant which is non-woody or woody at the base only, the above ground stems usually being ephemeral. adj. herbaceous, q.v.
- herbaceous
- herb-like; often applied to bracts, bracteoles or floral parts that are green and soft in texture
- hermaphrodite
- bisexual, bearing flowers with both androecium and gynoecium in the same flower. adj. hermaphroditic
- heterogamous
- bearing separate male and female flowers or florets in an inflorescence or flower head, e.g. some Asteraceae in which the ray florets may be neuter or unisexual and the disk florets may be bisexual. cf. homogamous
- heteromorphous
- with two or more distinct forms. cf. homomorphous
- heterosporous
- producing spores of 2 sizes, the larger giving rise to megagametophytes (female), the smaller giving rise to microgametophytes (male). Applied to the ferns and fern allies. cf. homosporous
- hirsute
- with long and rather coarse or stiff hairs, the hairs being less rigid and erect than when referred to as hispid
- hispid
- with stout, rigid or bristly, erect hairs
- hoary
- covered with a greyish layer of very short, closely interwoven hairs
- homochromous
- of the same colour; usually used to describe those Asteraceae that bear a 1-coloured inflorescence, i.e. head, the disc and ray florets being the same colour. cf. heterochromous
- homogamous
- bearing one kind of flower unit rather than separate male and female flower units, e.g. some Asteraceae where all of the florets in an inflorescence or flower head are bisexual. cf. heterogamous
- homomorphous
- uniform, with only one form. cf. heteromorphous
- homosporous
- producing spores of the same size and sex. Applied to the ferns and fern allies. cf. heterosporous
- hybrid
- the offspring of the sexual union of plants belonging to different taxa
- hydrophilous
- water loving; requiring water in order to be fertilized, referring to many aquatic plants
- hypanthium
- see floral tube
- imbricate
- closely packed and overlapping. cf. valvate
- imparipinnate
- pinnately compound with a single terminal leaflet and hence with an odd number of leaflets. cf. paripinnate
- incised
- cut jaggedly with very deep teeth
- included
- not protruding beyond some enclosing organ, e.g. stamens which do not project beyond the corolla or to valves which do not extend beyond the rim of a capsular fruit. cf. exserted
- incurved
- curved inward; curved towards the base or apex
- indefinite
- numerous and variable in number
- indehiscent
- not opening or splitting to release the contents at maturity. cf. dehiscent
- indumentum
- the type of hairiness commonly found on external parts of plants. cf. vestiture
- indurate
- hardened, often the hardening developed only at maturity
- indusium
- tissue covering the sorus of a fern. Also used for the modified style end or pollen-cup of some Goodeniaceae (including Brunoniaceae). adj. indusiate
- inferior
- a flower in which the ovary is fused with the floral tube and the sepals, petals and stamens are inserted above most of the ovary. cf. superior
- inflated
- enlarged and hollow except in the case of a fruit which may contain a seed. cf. swollen
- inflexed
- bent or turned downwards, towards the axis
- inflorescence
- the arrangement of flowers in relation to the axis and to each other
- internode
- the part of an axis between two successive nodes, joints or point of attachment of the leaves
- intricate
- entangled
- introduced
- not indigenous; not native to the area in which it now occurs
- introrse
- turned inwards or towards the axis. In the case of anthers, dehiscing longitudinally inwards. cf. extrorse, latrorse
- involucre
- a large bract or whorl of bracts surrounding a flower or an entire inflorescence
- involute
- with the margins inrolled on the upper (adaxial) surface, referring to a leaf or other flat organ
- ironstone
- the name given to various hard iron-ores containing admixtures of silica, clay, etc
- jugate
- of a pinnate leaf; having leaflets in pairs
- juvenile
- young or immature, used here for leaves formed on a young plant which are different in morphology from those formed on an older plant
- kaolin
- a fine white clay produced by the decomposition of feldspar
- keel
- a boat shaped structure, with a prominent longitudinal ridge, or, in the Papilionaceae, the part of the corolla formed by the fusion of the lower edge of the two abaxial petals. adj. keeled. cf. standard, wing
- labellum
- the usually modified, adaxial, inner perianth segment of the orchid flower which by torsion of the ovary is usually abaxial
- laciniate
- fringed; having slender, narrow, pointed lobes
- lamina
- the usually flattened blade of a leaf or frond. Also used here for the limb, the flattened part of the ligulate floret of Asteraceae. pl. laminae
- lanate
- covered with long hairs which are loosely curled together like wool
- lanceolate
- lance shaped, much longer than wide, the widest point below the middle
- laterite
- a red, porous, ferruginous rock
- latex
- a milky, clear or sometimes coloured sap of diverse composition found in some plants
- latrorse
- turned sideways, i.e. not towards or away from the axis. In the case of anthers, dehiscing longitudinally on the side. cf. extrorse, introrse
- leaflet
- one of the ultimate segments of a compound leaf
- lemma
- the lower of two bracts of a grass floret, usually enclosing the palea, lodicules, stamens and ovary
- lenticel
- a lens shaped dot or pit on young bark, through which gaseous exchange may occur
- lenticular
- shaped like a biconvex lens
- liane
- a woody climbing or twining plant
- lignotuber
- a woody, usually underground, rootstock often giving rise to numerous aerial stems
- ligulate
- small and tongue shaped or with a little tongue shaped appendage or ligule, q.v. Also applied to the florets of the Asteraceae which have a single small tongue shaped corolla lobe
- ligule
- outgrowth from the inner junction of the grass leaf sheath and blade, often membranous, sometimes represented by a fringe of hairs. Also a small, membranous, triangular organ on the adaxial side of the fertile leaf base in Isoetes or the narrow, upper part of a reduced petal in some Sterculiaceae or the single corolla lobe of a floret of Asteraceae. cf. ligulate
- limb
- the expanded portion of a flat organ above the claw. Also used here for the expanded portion of the calyx tube or the corolla tube, e.g. in the Apiaceae and Solanaceae
- linear
- a 2-dimensional shape: narrowly rectangular with parallel sides and a length:breadth ratio of at least 12:1
- linguiform
- tongue shaped
- lobe
- a usually rounded or pointed projecting part, usually one of two or more, each separated by a fissure or sinus. The terms calyx lobe, corolla lobe and floral lobe are used here for the projections of the calyx, corolla or floral tube. cf. segment
- loose
- lax or not crowded; with distant or scattered units
- lyrate
- pinnately lobed, with the terminal lobe the largest and the laterals progressively smaller towards the base
- mallee
- a growth habit in which several to many woody stems arise separately from a lignotuber; usually applied to certain low-growing species of Eucalyptus
- mangrove
- coastal trees or shrubs subject to periodic tidal inundation, rarely occurring in fresh water, often with modified roots, often viviparous; plant community in tidal stretches of the mouth of some rivers containing mangrove species
- margin
- (in leaves); the edge of the leaf blade
- megasporangium
- the sporangium containing megaspores. cf. microsporangium
- megaspore
- the large spore which may develop into the female gametophyte in heterosporous ferns and fern allies. cf. microspore
- mericarp
- a 1-seeded portion of an initially syncarpous fruit which splits apart at maturity, e.g. in the Apiaceae. Sometimes called a coccus, q.v.
- -merous
- used with a number prefix to denote the basic number of the 3 outer floral whorls, e.g. a 5-merous flower may have 5 sepals, 10 petals and 15 stamens
- mesocarp
- the middle layer of the fruit wall derived from the middle layer of the carpel wall. cf. endocarp, exocarp, pericarp
- microsporangium
- the sporangium containing microspores. cf. megasporangium
- microspore
- a small spore which gives rise to the male gametophyte in heterosporous pteridophytes. Also used by some authors for a pollen grain. cf. megaspore
- midvein
- the main vascular supply of a simple leaf blade or lamina
- minni-ritchi bark
- reddish bark exfoliating in narrow, curled strips. Usually only applied to certain species of Acacia or Eucalyptus
- monoecious
- having both male and female unisexual flowers on the same individual plant. cf. dioecious
- monopodial
- with a persistent terminal growing point producing many lateral organs progressively. cf. sympodial
- monotypic
- of a genus with one species or a family with one genus; in general, applied to any taxon with only one immediately subordinate taxon
- mucilage
- a soft, moist, viscous secretion. adj. mucilaginous
- mucous
- slimy
- mucro
- a stiff or sharp, short projection of the midvein abruptly terminating an organ. cf. cusp
- mucronate
- abruptly tipped with a mucro, accompanied or not by a small amount of leaf tissue. cf. cuspidate, muticous
- mucronulate
- with a very small mucro; a diminutive of mucronate
- muricate
- with numerous short hard outgrowths. cf. papillose
- muriculate
- with numerous minute hard outgrowths; a diminutive of muricate
- muticous
- blunt, lacking awn or point. cf. mucronate
- narrowly
- having a length:breadth ratio between 3:1 and 6:1; if the ratio is more than 6:1 then the shape is described as very narrowly, except in the case of very narrowly oblong which is termed linear
- native
- a plant indigenous to the locality
- nectariferous
- having one or more nectaries
- nectary
- a secretory organ producing nectar; commonly in a flower, sometimes on leaves, fronds or stems
- nut
- dry indehiscent 1-celled fruit with a hard pericarp
- ob-
- prefix meaning inversely or opposite to
- obconic
- a 3-dimensional shape; cone shaped, attached at the narrower end
- obcordate
- a 2-dimensional shape; broad and notched at the tip; heart shaped but attached at the pointed end
- obdeltate
- a 2-dimensional shape; deltate with the broadest part at the apex
- oblong
- a 2-dimensional shape; rectangular with a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. narrowly, broadly
- obovate
- a 2-dimensional shape: similar to ovate but attached at the narrower end and with a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. narrowly, broadly
- obpyramidal
- a 3-dimensional shape; resembling a 4-sided pyramid attached at the apex with the square base facing away from the attachment
- obpyriform
- a 3-dimensional shape; resembling a pear which is attached at the narrower end. cf. pyriform
- obspathulate
- a 2-dimensional shape; resembling a spoon attached at the broadest end and with a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. spathulate
- obtriangular
- a 2-dimensional shape; triangular, attached at the apex and with a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. triangular
- obtrullate
- a 2-dimensional shape; resembling a trowel blade with the broadest axis above the middle and a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. narrowly, broadly, trullate
- obtuse
- blunt or rounded at the apex, the converging edges separated by an angle greater than 90 degrees. cf. acute
- -oid
- suffix denoting a 3-dimensional shape
- operculum
- a lid or cover becoming detached at maturity by abscission, e.g. in Eucalyptus, a cap covering the bud and formed by fusion or cohesion of sepals and/or petals. adj. operculate
- opposite
- describing leaves or other organs which are borne at the same level but on opposite sides of the stem; of floral parts, on the same radius. cf. alternate
- orbicular
- of circular outline
- order
- a classificatory rank intermediate between class and family, i.e. a group of families believed to be closely related or sometimes a single family with no apparent close relatives
- orifice
- an opening or aperture such as that of a cup shaped receptacle or the summit of a leaf sheath in grasses and sedges
- ovary
- the basal portion of a carpel or group of fused carpels, enclosing the ovule(s)
- ovate
- a 2-dimensional shape; resembling a section through the long axis of an egg, attached near the broader end and with a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. narrowly, broadly
- ovoid
- a 3-dimensional shape; egg shaped; ovate in outline
- ovule
- the organ in the ovary which becomes a seed after fertilisation. adj. ovular
- ovulode
- a sterile reduced ovule borne on the placenta, commonly occurring in Myrtaceae
- palate
- a raised appendage on the lower lip of a corolla which partially or completely closes the throat
- palea
- the upper of the two bracts of a grass floret, usually enclosing the lodicules, stamens and ovary. pl. paleae. adj. paleal. cf. lemma
- paleochannel
- paleozoic? Fossilised soils
- pallid
- pale
- palmate
- describing a leaf which is divided into several leaflets which arise from the same point. adj. palmately
- panduriform
- a 2-dimensional shape; fiddle shaped
- panicle
- a compound raceme; an indeterminate inflorescence in which the flowers are borne on branches of the main axis or on further branches of these. adj. paniculate
- papilionaceous
- pea-flowered; flowers which are zygomorphic with imbricate petals, one broad upper one, two narrower lateral ones and two narrower lower ones, the latter usually coherent or connate by their margins; the flowers of Papilionaceae
- papilla
- a small protuberance on the surface of an organ being an extension of one epidermal cell. pl. papillae. adj. papillose. cf. muricate
- pappus
- a tuft (or ring) of hairs, bristles or scales borne above the ovary and outside the corolla in Asteraceae and possibly representing the calyx; often persisting as a tuft of hairs on a fruit. adj. pappose
- paripinnate
- pinnate with an even number of leaflets and without a terminal leaflet. A tendril may be terminal on the leaf. cf. imparipinnate
- -partite
- divided almost to the base into segments, the number of segments given as a prefix
- patent
- spreading, diverging from the axis almost at right angles
- pectinate
- pinnatifid with narrow segments set closely like the teeth of a comb
- pedicel
- the stalk of an individual flower. In a single-flowered inflorescence, may refer to a peduncle, or both peduncle and pedicel when undifferentiated. Also used here for the stalk of a spikelet in Poaceae. adj. pedicellate
- peduncle
- the stalk of an inflorescence. adj. pedunculate
- pellucid
- clear, transparent or nearly so
- peltate
- attached to the stalk at a point within the margin, i.e. on the lower surface
- pendulous
- drooping; of ovules, attached at the top of the ovary and hanging downwards from an apical placenta
- penniveined
- pinnately veined
- perennial
- with a life span extending over more than two growing seasons. cf. annual, biennial
- perfoliate
- with basal lobes united and encircling the stem, commonly referring to a leaf where the stem runs through the leaf base
- perianth
- the outer floral whorl or whorls of a monocotyledonous flower, sometimes divisible into outer and inner perianth segments. Sometimes used by other authors to describe the floral whorl of a dicotyledonous flower when it is uncertain if the whorl is calycine or corolline in origin or used as a collective term for calyx and corolla
- pericarp
- the wall of a fruit developed from the ovary wall. Composed of the exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp
- persistent
- remaining attached; not falling off. cf. caducous
- petal
- free segment of the corolla. adj. petaline. cf. lobe
- petiolar
- pertaining to the petiole
- petiole
- the stalk of a leaf. adj. petiolate
- petiolule
- the stalk of a leaflet. adj. petiolulate
- phylloclade
- a cladode which is green and leaf-like with the true leaves represented by scales
- phyllode
- a leaf whose blade is much reduced or absent and whose petiole has assumed the functions of the whole leaf. adj. phyllodineous, cf. cladode
- piliferous
- bearing or producing hair, usually referring to an organ with the apex having long, hair-like extensions
- pilose
- with slightly stiffened distinct hairs ascending from the surface
- pindan
- vegetation consisting of a lower storey of grasses, a middle storey of dense Acacia thickets and a sparse upper layer of trees up to 15 m high
- pinna
- a primary segment of the blade of a compound leaf or frond. pl. pinnae
- pinnate
- with the same arrangement as a feather; divided into pinnae; once-compound
- pinnatifid
- lobed approximately halfway to midrib. If divided almost to the midrib, then described as deeply pinnatifid or pinnatisect, q.v.
- pinnatisect
- lobed almost to base or midrib
- pinnule
- a leaflet of a bipinnate leaf
- placenta
- the region within the ovary to which ovules are attached
- plano-
- a prefix meaning level; flat
- plicate
- folded like a fan
- plumose
- like a feather; with fine hairs arising laterally from a central axis
- pneumatophore
- modified root which allows gaseous exchange in mud-dwelling shrubs, e.g. mangroves
- pod
- a dry 1-many-seeded dehiscent fruit. Commonly applied to the fruits of Caesalpiniaceae, Mimosaceae and Papilionaceae
- polygamous
- with unisexual and bisexual flowers on the same or on different individuals of the same species
- polymorphic
- with many morphological variants
- procumbent
- trailing or spreading along the ground but not rooting at the nodes, referring to stems. cf. ascending, decumbent, erect
- prostrate
- lying flat on the ground
- proximal
- end of any structure closest to the point of attachment. cf. distal
- pruinose
- with a frosty surface; having a thick, waxy, powdery coating
- pseudocarp
- a false fruit, largely made up of a fleshy receptacle
- pteridophyte
- a vascular plant which reproduces by spores; the ferns and fern allies
- puberulent, puberulous
- covered with very short fine straight erect hairs
- pubescent
- covered with short, soft hairs
- pulvinus
- an enlargement below the base of a leaf or leaflet in which changes of turgidity enable the leaf or leaflets to droop or fold. Also a glandular swelling in the axils of the inflorescence axis and primary branches of some grasses. adj. pulvinate
- punctate
- marked with dots, e.g. the clear-coloured oil glands of a leaf of Rutaceae and Myrtaceae
- punctulate
- marked with minute dots; a diminutive of punctate
- pungent
- ending in a rigid, sharp point
- pyrene
- the "stone" or "pit" of a drupe, consisting of the hardened endocarp and seed
- pyriform
- a 3-dimensional shape; resembling a pear, attached at the broader end. cf. obpyriform
- raceme
- an indeterminate inflorescence with a simple, elongated axis and pedicellate flowers. adj. racemose
- rachilla
- the main axis of a grass spikelet
- rachis
- the main axis of the spike or other inflorescence of grasses; the axis of a pinna in a bipinnate leaf
- radiate
- arranged around a common centre; used here especially to describe an inflorescence of Asteraceae with marginal, female or neuter, ligulate ray-florets and central, perfect or functionally male, tubular, disc florets. cf. disciform, discoid
- ray
- the marginal portion of the inflorescence of Asteraceae and Apiaceae when distinct from the disc. Also, the axis or branches of a compound umbel in some Apiaceae, Cyperaceae and Apiaceae, Loranthaceae
- receptacle
- the region at the end of a pedicel or on an axis which bears one or more flowers. In the Asteraceae the receptacle may be quite large. adj. receptacular
- recurved
- curved outward or downward
- reflexed
- bent or turned downward
- reniform
- a 2-dimensional shape; kidney shaped in outline
- resinous
- producing resin; often sticky
- resupinate
- twisted through 180 degrees
- reticulate
- forming a network or reticulum
- retrorse
- bent or directed downwards or backwards. cf. antrorse
- retuse
- with a very blunt and slightly notched apex. cf. emarginate
- revolute
- with the margins inrolled on the lower (abaxial) surface
- rhizome
- a creeping stem, usually below ground, consisting of a series of nodes and internodes with adventitious roots. adj. rhizomatous
- rhizophore
- a stilt-like extension of the stem which branches into roots on contact with the substrate
- rhombic
- a 2-dimensional shape; diamond shaped in outline with the broadest axis in the middle and with a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. quadrate-rhombic, narrowly
- rib
- a distinct vein or linear marking, often raised as a linear ridge
- rosette
- a tuft of leaves or other organs resembling the arrangement of petals in a rose, ranging in form from a hemispherical tuft to a flat whorl. adj. rosetted, rosulate
- rostrate
- beaked; the apex narrowed into a slender, usually obtuse point
- rostrum
- a beak-like extension
- rotate
- wheel shaped; applied to a corolla with a very short tube and a broad upper part which is flared at right angles to the tube. cf. salverform
- rugose
- deeply wrinkled
- rugulose
- finely wrinkled; a diminutive of rugose
- saccate
- pouched
- sagittate
- arrow shaped, with a pair of large, acute or rounded, usually overlapping lobes
- samara
- an indehiscent, winged, dry fruit
- scabrous
- rough to the touch
- scandent
- climbing
- scape
- the stem-like flowering stalk of a plant with radical leaves. adj. scapose
- scapigerous
- with a scape
- scarious
- dry and membranous
- schist
- a crystalline rock whose component minerals are arranged in a more or less parallel manner
- schistose
- laminated; having a formation resembling a schist
- schizocarp
- a usually dry fruit which splits longitudinally into indehiscent or tardily dehiscent parts (mericarps or cocci)
- sedge
- a plant of the family Apiaceae, Cyperaceae
- segment
- a free or almost free part or subdivision of an organ. Calyx and corolla segments are called sepals and petals respectively. In the case of undifferentiated dicotyledonous flowers, the segments are called floral segments. cf. lobe
- sepal
- free segment of the calyx. adj. sepaline
- septum
- a partition or cross wall. A term for the sterile structure separating the seeds in a mature fruit of Banksia. pl. septa. adj. septate
- sericeous
- silky; covered with close-pressed, fine, straight silky hairs
- serrate
- toothed so as to resemble a saw; with regular, asymmetric teeth pointing forward
- sessile
- without a stalk
- seta
- a bristle or stiff hair. pl. setae. adj. setose, setaceous
- setiform
- bristle shaped
- setulose
- with minute bristles; a diminutive of setose
- sheathing
- clasping or enveloping the stem
- shrub
- a woody plant usually less than 5 m high and many-branched without a distinct main stem except at ground level. cf. undershrub
- silicula
- a broad, dry, usually dehiscent fruit derived from two or more carpels which usually dehisce along two sutures and which has a persistent partition after dehiscence. cf. siliqua
- siliqua
- a silicula which is at least twice as long as broad
- simple
- not divided, e.g. applied to a leaf not divided into leaflets. cf. compound
- sinuate
- with deep wave-like indentations in a horizontal plane along the margin. cf. repand
- skeletal (soils)
- composed of
- solitary
- usually used to describe flowers which are borne singly, and not grouped into an inflorescence
- sorus
- a discrete aggregate of sporangia in ferns. pl. sori
- spadix
- a spike-like inflorescence with an unbranched, usually thickened axis and small embedded flowers, the whole structure often surrounded by a spathe. pl. spadices
- spathe
- a large bract ensheathing an inflorescence or its peduncle. adj. spathaceous
- spatheate
- like or with a spathe
- spathulate
- spoon shaped; broad at the tip and narrowed towards the base
- spiculate
- spikelet-bearing
- spike
- an unbranched inflorescence of sessile flowers or spikelets. adj. spicate, spiciform
- spikelet
- the grass flowerhead, generally composed of 2 glumes and one or more florets. Also used for the small spike-like inflorescence or inflorescence units commonly found in Apiaceae, Cyperaceae and Restionaceae
- spine
- a stiff, sharp, pointed structure, formed by modification of a plant organ. adj. spinose
- spinescent
- ending in a spine; modified to form a spine
- spinulose
- with small spines over the surface
- sporangium
- a spore bearing structure used here particularly for ferns, fern allies and gymnosperms. pl. sporangia. adj. sporangial
- sporocarp
- a stalked fruit case, formed from modified sporophylls, containing sporangia or spores, e.g. in Marsilea
- sporophyll
- a leaf or bract which bears or subtends sporangia in the fern allies, ferns and gymnosperms
- spur
- a pouch-like short to slender, usually hollow extension of some part, usually of a flower
- squarrose
- with spreading rigid processes, e.g. the tips of bracts or leaves
- stamen
- one of the male organs of a flower, consisting typically of a stalk (filament) and a pollen-bearing portion (anther). adj. staminal, staminate
- staminode
- a stamen without pollen; often lacking an anther, often reduced in size, sometimes elaborated in structure. adj. staminodial
- standard
- the usually adaxial petal in the flower of Papilionaceae. cf. keel, wing
- stellate
- star shaped, usually referring to hairs with radiating branches
- stem
- the main axis or a branch of the main axial system of a plant, developed from the plumule of the embryo and typically bearing leaves
- sterile
- lacking any functional sexual parts which are capable of fertilisation and seed production. cf. fertile
- stigma
- the usually papillate or glandular part of the style which receives the pollen. adj. stigmatic
- stilt root
- a supporting root arising from the stem some distance above the ground as in some mangroves, sometimes also known as a prop root
- stipe
- a stalk or support such as the petiole of a frond or the stalk of an ovary or fruit
- stipel
- stipule-like appendage at the base of a leaflet (in unifoliolate leaves, inserted on the petiole, not on the stem). pl. stipellae. adj. stipellate
- stipitate
- having a stalk or stipe, usually of an ovary or fruit. cf. sessile
- stipule
- one of a pair of leaf-like, scale-like or bristle-like structures inserted at the base or on the petiole of a leaf or phyllode. adj. stipulate, cf. exstipulate
- stolon
- the creeping stem of a rosetted or tufted plant, giving rise to another plant at its tip, or in Drosera a vertical underground stem connecting the tuber with the above ground parts and bearing adventitious roots. adj. stoloniferous
- striae
- parallel longitudinal lines or ridges. adj. striate
- strobilus
- a cone-like structure formed from sporophylls or sporangiophores. pl. strobili
- style
- the usually narrowed, elongated part of a carpel or group of fused carpels, between the ovary and stigma
- sub-
- a prefix meaning nearly or almost, as in subcapitate or subequal
- subspecies
- taxon differing in minor morphological characters such as size or shape of parts, and either partially or completely isolated by means of geographic, ecologic or other barriers
- substrate
- underlying rock
- subulate
- narrow and tapering gradually to a fine point
- succulent
- fleshy, juicy, soft in texture and usually thickened
- sulcate
- grooved; furrowed
- superior
- a flower in which the ovary is free and mostly above the level of insertion of the sepals, petals and stamens. cf. inferior
- suture
- a line, mark or groove marking a natural division or union of parts of an organ
- swollen
- enlarged and solid. cf. inflated
- sympetalous
- having united petals
- synangium
- an organ composed of united sporangia, divided internally into cells, each containing spores. pl. synangia
- syncarp
- an ovary of two or more united carpels with a single style. adj. syncarpous
- taxon
- a classificatory group of any rank, e.g. a family, genus, species or any infraspecific category. pl. taxa
- tendril
- a slender organ formed from a modified stem, leaf or leaflet which, by coiling around objects, supports a climbing plant
- tepal
- a segment of the perianth, which is not differentiated into calyx and corolla; a sepal or petal
- terete
- circular in cross-section
- terminal
- at the apex or distal end
- ternate
- in threes
- terrestrial
- growing on ground; not aquatic
- tessellate
- with colours or shades arranged in small squares so as to give a chequered appearance
- testa
- a seed coat
- tomentose
- covered with not very long cottony hairs, more or less felted together, shorter and less dense than lanate
- transverse
- broader than long; applied to 2 or 3-dimensional shapes, e.g. elliptic and oblong or ellipsoid and obovoid which have a length:breadth ratio of less than 5:6
- trapeziform
- a plane, asymmetric shape with four straight sides of unequal length
- tree
- a woody plant usually over 5 m high and with an unbranched lower axis
- triad
- a group of three; used to describe the 3-flowered umbels found in some Loranthaceae
- triangular
- a 2-dimensional shape; 3-angled and 3-sided with a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. narrowly, broadly, deltate
- tribe
- a category intermediate in rank between subfamily and genus
- trichotomous
- divided almost equally into three parts
- tridentate
- three toothed
- trifoliate
- having three leaves
- trifoliolate
- a leaf having three leaflets
- trifurcate
- with 3 terminal, long lobes
- trigonous
- obtusely 3-angled; triangular in cross-section with plane faces
- tripinnate
- pinnately compound three times, with pinnate pinnules
- triquetrous
- acutely 3-angled; triangular in cross-section with concave faces and each corner projected outwards so that the organ has three distinct longitudinal ridges
- trullate
- a 2-dimensional shape; resembling a trowel blade, i.e. with 4 straight sides with the axis broadest below the middle and a length:breadth ratio between 3:2 and 2:1. cf. narrowly, broadly, obtrullate
- truncate
- with an abruptly transverse end as if cut off
- tuber
- a stem, usually underground, enlarged as a storage organ and with minute scale-like leaves and buds or "eyes". Some monocotyledons e.g. Thysanotus develop thickened roots called tuberous roots. adj. tuberous
- tubercle
- a wart-like protuberance. adj. tuberculate
- tuft
- a densely packed cluster arising from an axis. adj. tufted
- turbinate
- top shaped; inversely conic
- turgid
- swollen
- typical variant
- the variant of a species to which belongs the type specimen of that species
- umbel
- an inflorescence in which the pedicels originate from one point on top of the peduncle and are usually of equal length. adj. umbellate
- uncinate
- hooked at the apex
- undershrub
- subshrub; a small, usually sparsely branched woody shrub less than 1 m high. cf. shrub
- undulate
- with an edge or edges wavy in a vertical plane; may vary from weakly to strongly undulate or crisped. cf. crisped
- unifoliolate
- a compound leaf which has been reduced to a single, usually terminal leaflet
- uniform
- with one form, e.g. having stamens of a similar length or having one kind of leaf. cf. dimorphic
- uniseriate
- arranged in one line or at one level
- unisexual
- with one sex only, either bearing the anthers with pollen, or an ovary with ovules, referring to a flower, inflorescence or individual plant. cf. bisexual
- urceolate
- urn shaped
- valvate
- meeting without overlapping, usually referring to sepals or petals in bud. cf. imbricate
- valve
- one of the parts produced by the splitting of a capsule when ripe or a part of the specialised opening of a capsular fruit
- variant
- any definable individual or group of individuals which may or may not be regarded as representing a formal taxon after scrutiny
- variegate
- diverse in colour or marked with irregular patches of different colours
- variety
- a classificatory rank below that of subspecies
- vein
- a strand of vascular tissue
- velum
- a flap of tissue covering the sporangium in Isoetes
- velutinous
- covered with a close silky coating of short fine hairs which are erect and of even length. cf. sericeous
- venation
- the arrangement of veins in a leaf
- vernation
- the arrangement of young leaves or fronds in a bud or at a stem apex, e.g. erect or circinnate, q.v.
- verrucose
- warty
- verticillate
- whorled; arranged in one or more whorls
- vesicle
- a small bladdery sac or cavity filled with air or fluid. adj. vesicular
- vestigial
- the remaining trace or remnant of an organ which was probably fully developed in some evolutionary predecessor
- vestiture
- covering; the type of hairiness, scaliness or other covering commonly found on the external parts of plants. cf. indumentum
- villous
- with long, soft hairs sometimes lying on the surface, finer than in pilose
- virgate
- with a broom-like habit, more or less densely branched with stiff, more or less erect branches, leaves usually small
- viscid
- sticky on the surface; coated with a thick, syrup-like secretion
- viviparous
- having the seeds germinate on the parent plant or, in the case of ferns, having new plants develop on the fronds
- whorl
- a ring-like arrangement of similar parts arising from a common point or node
- wing
- any flat, often membranous expansion or flange, e.g. on a seed, stem or one of the two lateral petals of a papilionaceous flower or one of the petal-like sepals of Polygalaceae. cf. keel, standard
- xerophyte
- a plant which naturally grows in dry regions and is often structurally modified to withstand dry conditions
- zygomorphic
- having only one plane of symmetry, usually the vertical plane, referring to a flower, calyx or corolla. cf. actinomorphic.
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